Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Not unrelated to all this talk of fire and Offerings, is the next subject on my mind: faith.

Here, in Luke 18:8,  the scripture that encapsulates my own concern and desire for it:

"... when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"

I have chewed on this question for years. The reason it took me so long is partly because of the context. The question is almost a ps to the parable of the widow and the unjust Judge. There is much injustice in this world and God is well aware of it, which certainly brings comfort for He will set things aright. The disquieting factor however is the fact that God promises to deliver and bring justice but that doesn't necessarily mean we have faith!!!

Yikes! We can be delivered and yet not have faith! From past years of practicing the occult, I know those 'arts' depend upon people's participation or belief, at least their acquiescence or fear of it, before it can do its work. 

Faith begins alone with God...

Not so with God.  II Timothy 2:13 plainly states:

"... if we are faithless, he remains faithful - for he cannot deny himself"

Even if we don't believe in God, He can and does act. That actually makes perfect sense if God truly exists as his own being, which I believe, and if he is about His business, of which I am convinced. 

So having faith does not bring God into being, nor does it necessarily cause to happen what He will or won't do, which I find extremely liberating and restful: God does not depend on us. He does however, love us and the Scriptures always emphasize our need for faith... 

So I want to have that faith and understand why we need it, or at least as much as it is given to me to understand. The plan is to explore my musings on that topic with you here. 

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